Pelvic Gross Anatomy

Pelvis – "twin brother of Elvis" – region where the trunk and lower limbs meet; compromised by walking and reproduction

Innervation and Blood Supply

Pelvic Floor


Structures: Bony Landmarks, Ischiorectal Fossa and Anal Triangle

Structures: Urogenital Triangle, Pelvic Viscera, Pelvic Diaphragm

Arteries of the Pelvis





Common iliac

Abdominal aorta

Passes over inferior vena cava descending midline

External and internal iliac

External iliac

Common iliac

Splits off common anteriorly under the inguinal ligament becoming the femoral

Branches supply the anterior abdominal wall

Internal iliac

Common iliac

Passes over brim of pevis to reach pelvic cavity

Main blood supply to pelvic organs, gluteal rim, and perineum


Posterior division of internal iliac

Passes posteriorly and gives rise to parietal brances

Pelvic wall and gluteal region

Lateral sacral (superior and inferior)

Posterior division of internal iliac

Run on superficial aspect of piriformis

Piriformis and vertebral canal

Superior Gluteal

Posterior division of internal iliac

Leaves pelvis over the priforormis muscle

Priformis, gluteal muscles

Inferior gluteal

Anterior division of internal iliac

Leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen superior to the piriformis

Priformis, coccygeus, levator ani, and gluteal mm.


Anterior division of internal iliac

Runs anterioinferiorly on lateral pelvic wall

Pelvic mm., nutrient artery to ilium and had of femur

Inferior vesical

Branch of middle rectal artery

Passes to inferior aspect of urinary bladder

Inferior aspect of urinary bladder

Superior vesical

Remnant of proximal part of umbilical artery

Passes to superior aspect of urinary bladder

Superior aspect of unrinary bladder


Anterior division of internal iliac

Runs medially on levator ani crosses ureter to reach base of broad ligament

Uterus, ligament o futerus, uterine tube, and vagina


Branch of the uterine artery

Runs along the perineum of the fallopian tube supplying the ovary

Supplies the ovary


Anterior division of internal iliac

Runs laterally on levator ani crosses ureter to reach the vagina

Supplies the vagina