Summary of Musculoskeletal Anatomy






Pectoralis major (2)

clavicular, sternocostal heads


sternum, costal cartilages 1-6,

ext. oblique muscle

humerus (lat. lip of intertubercular groove)

lat. and med. pectoral nn.

(C5, C6, C7, C8, T1)

adduct and medially rotate humerus

Pectoralis minor

ribs 3-5

coracoid proc. of scapula

med. pectoral n. (C8, T1)

stabilize scapula


costochondral junction 1

clavicle (inf. surf.)

subclavian nerve (C5, C6)

anchor and depress clavicle

Serratus anterior

ribs 1-8 (lat. ext. surf.)

scapula (ant. surf. of med. border)

long thor. nerve (C5, C6, C7)

protract and rotate scapula

Trapezius (3)

superior, middle, inferior fibers

sup. nuchal line;

ext. occipital protuberance;

vert. C7-T12 (spinous proc.)

clavicle (lat. third);

scapula (spine, acromion)

spinal root of acc. n.

cerv. nn.

(CN XI, C3, C4)

sup.: elevate scapula

mid.: retract scapula

inf.: depress scapula

sup w/ inf: superiorly rotate scap.

Latissimus dorsi

vert. T7-T12 (spinous proc.)

iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia

ribs 9-12

humerus (floor of intertubercular groove)

thoracodorsal n.

(C6, C7, C8)

extend, adduct, and medially rotate humerus

Levator scapulae

vert. C1-C4 (post. tub. of trans. proc.)

scapula (sup. part of med. border)

dorsal scapular n., cerv. nn.

(C3, C4, C5)

elevate and rotate scapula;

tilt glenoid cavity inferiorly

Rhomboid major

vert. T2-T5 (spinous proc.)

scapula (med. border, inf. to spine)

dorsal scapular n. (C4, C5)

retract, rotate, fix scapula

Rhomboid minor

vert. C7-T1 (spinous proc.)

scapula (med. border, sup. to spine)

dorsal scapular n. (C4, C5)

retract, rotate, fix scapula



scapula (acromion, spine)

humerus (deltoid tuberosity)

axillary n.

(C5, C6)

ant.: flex, medially rotate arm

mid.: abduct arm

post.: extend, laterally rotate arm


scapula (supraspinous fossa)

humerus (sup. facet on gr. tub.)

suprascapular n. (C4, C5, C6)

abduct arm; rotator cuff


scapula (infraspinous fossa)

humerus (mid. facet on gr. tub.)

suprascapular n. (C5, C6)

laterally rotate arm; rotator cuff

Teres minor

scapula (sup. part of lat. border)

humerus (inf. facet on gr. tub.)

axillary n. (C5, C6)

laterally rotate arm; rotator cuff


scapula (subscapular fossa)

humerus (l. tub.)

upper and lower subscapular nn. (C5, C6, C7)

medially rotate and adduct arm

rotator cuff

Teres major

scapula (post. surf. of inf. angle)

humerus (intertubercular groove)

lower subscapular n. (C6, C7)

medially rotate and adduct arm

Biceps brachii (2)

short, long heads

scapula (tip of coracoid proc.);

scapula (supraglenoid tub.)

radius (tuberosity)

fascia of forearm

musculocutaneous n.

(C5, C6)

supinate and flex forearm


humerus (dist. half of ant. surf.)

ulna (coronoid proc., tuberosity)

musculocutaneous n. (C5, C6)

supinate and flex forearm


scapula (tip of coracoid proc.)

humerus (mid. third of med. surf.)

musculocutaneous n. (C5, C6, C7)

flex and adduct arm

Triceps brachii (3)

long, lateral, medial heads

scapula (infraglenoid tub.);

humerus (sup. to radial groove);

humerus (inf. to radial groove)

ulna (prox. end of olecranon)

fascia of forearm

radial n.

(C6, C7, C8)

extend forearm

long head: steady head of abducted humerus


humerus (lat. epicondoyle)

ulna (lat. surf. of olecranon,

sup. part of post. surf.)

radial n.

(C7, C8, T1)

extend forearm, stabilize elbow, adduct ulna in pronation

Pronator teres

humerus (med. epicondoyle)

ulna (coronoid proc.)

radius (mid. of lat. surf.)

median n.

(C6, C7)

pronate and flex forearm

Flexor carpi radialis

humerus (med. epicondoyle)

2nd metacarpal (base)

median n. (C6, C7)

flex and abduct hand

Palmaris longus

humerus (med. epicondoyle)

flexor retinaculum (dist. half)

palmar apo.

median n.

(C7, C8)

flex hand, tighten palmar apo.

Flexor carpi ulnaris (2) humeral, ulnar

humerus (med. epicondoyle);

ulna (olecranon, post. border)

pisiform bone, hamate bone (hook), 5th metacarpal

ulnar n.

(C7, C8)

flex and adduct hand

Flexor digitorum superficialis (2)

humeroulnar, radial

humerus (med. epicondoyle)

ulna (coronoid proc.);

radius (sup. half of ant. border)

mid. phalanges of fingers (bodies of phalanges)

median n.

(C7, C8, T1)

flex mid. phalanges of fingers

Flexor digitorum profundus

ulna and interosseous membrane (med. and ant. surf.)

dist. phalanges of fingers (bases of phalanges)

ulnar n. and medial n.

(C8, T1)

flex dist. phalanges of fingers

Flexor pollicus longus

radius and interosseous membrane (ant. surf.)

dist. phalanx of thumb (base)

anterior interosseous n.

(C8, T1)

flex phalanges of thumb

Pronator quadratus

ulna (dist. quarter of ant. surf.)

radius (dist. quarter of ant. surf.)

anterior interosseous n.

(C8, T1)

pronate forearm

bind radius and ulna


humerus (lat. supracondylar ridge)

radius (lat. surf. of dist. end)

radial n. (C5, C6, C7)

flex forearm

Extensor carpi radialis longus

humerus (lat. supracondylar ridge)

2nd metacarpal (base)

radial n.

(C6, C7)

extend and abduct hand at wrist

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

humerus (lat. epicondoyle)

3rd metacarpal (base)

deep branch of radial n.

(C7, C8)

extend and abduct hand at wrist

Extensor digitorum

humerus (lat. epicondoyle)

extensor expansions of fingers

post. interosseous n. (C7, C8)

extend fingers and hand

Extensor digiti minimi

humerus (lat. epicondoyle)

extensor expansion of 5th digit

post. interosseous n.

(C7, C8)

extend digit 5

Extensor carpi ulnaris

humerus (lat. epicondoyle)

ulna (post. border)

5th metacarpal (base)

post. interosseous n.

(C7, C8)

extend and adduct hand at wrist


humerus (lat. epicondoyle)

ulna (supinator fossa and crest)

radial collateral and anular lig.

radius (lat., post., ant. surf. of prox. third)

deep branch of radial n.

(C5, C6)

supinate forearm by rotating radius anteriorly

Abductor pollicus longus

ulna and radius (post. surf.)

interosseous membrane

1st metacarpal (base)

post. interosseous n.

(C7, C8)

abduct and extend thumb at carpometacarpal joint

Extensor pollicis brevis

radius (post. surf.)

interosseous membrane

proximal phalanx of thumb (base)

post. interosseous n.

(C7, C8)

extend proximal phalanx of thumb

Extensor pollicis longus

ulna (post. surf. of mid. third)

interosseous membrane

distal phalanx of thumb (base)

post. interosseous n.

(C7, C8)

extend distal phalanx of thumb

Extensor indicis

ulna (post. surf.)

interosseous membrane

extensor expansion of index finger

post. interosseous n.

(C7, C8)

extend index finger and hand

Abductor pollicis brevis

scaphoid and trapezium (flexor retinaculum and tub.)

proximal phalanx of thumb (base)

median n.

(C8, T1)

abduct and oppose thumb

Flexor pollicis brevis

trapezium (flexor retinaculum and tub.)

proximal phalanx of thumb (base)

median n.

(C8, T1)

flex thumb

Opponens pollicis

trapezium (flexor retinaculum and tub.)

1st metacarpal (lat. side)

median n.

(C8, T1)

rotate thumb medially

oppose thumb toward palm

Adductor pollicis (2)

oblique, transverse

2nd and 3rd metacarpals, capitate and carpal bones (bases);

3rd metacarpal (ant. surf.)

proximal phalanx of thumb (base)

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

adduct thumb toward mid. finger

Abductor digiti minimi (hand)


proximal phalanx of 5th digit (base)

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

abduct 5th digit

Flexor digiti minimi brevis (hand)

hamate bone (hook)

flexor retinaculum

proximal phalanx of 5th digit (base)

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

flex prox. phalanx of 5th digit

Opponens digiti minimi

hamate bone (hook)

flexor retinaculum

5th metacarpal (med. border)

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

oppose 5th digit with thumb

Lumbricals 1 and 2

flexor digitorum profundus

(lat. 2 tendons)

extensor expansions of fingers

(lat. sides)

median n.

(C8, T1)

flex fingers, extend interphalangeal joints

Lumbricals 3 and 4

flexor digitorum profundus

(med. 3 tendons)

extensor expansions of fingers

(lat. sides)

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

flex fingers, extend interphalangeal joints

Dorsal interossei


metacarpals (adjacent sides)

extensor expansions and proximal phalanges of 2nd–4th digits

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

abduct digits

Palmar interossei


2nd, 4th, 5th metacarpals

(palmar surf.)

extensor expansions and proximal phalanges of 2nd, 4th, 5th digits

deep branch of ulnar n.

(C8, T1)

adduct digits

Psoas major

vert. T12-L5 (sides and discs)

femur (l. trochanter)

v. rami of lumbar nn. (L1, L2, L3)

flex thigh at hip

Tensor fasciae latae

iliac spine (ant. sup. surf.)

iliac crest (ant. part of ext. lip)

tibia (lat. condoyle)

via iliotibial tract

sup. gluteal n.

(L4, L5)

abduct, medially rotate, flex thigh

extend knee


iliac spine (ant. sup. surf.)

tibia (med. surf.)

femoral n. (L2, L3)

flex, abduct, laterally rotate thigh

Rectus femoris

iliac spine (ant. int. surf., groove sup. to acetabulum)

patella (base)

tibial tuberosity via patellar lig.

femoral n. (L2, L3, L4)

extend leg and flex thigh

Quadriceps femoris

Vastus lateralis

femur (gr trochanter, linea aspera)

patella (base), tibial tuberosity

femoral n. (L2, L3, L4)

extend leg; Quadriceps femoris

Vastus medialis

femur (intertrochanteric line, linea aspera)

patella (base)

tibial tuberosity via patellar lig.

femoral n. (L2, L3, L4)

extend leg

Quadriceps femoris

Vastus intermedius

femur (ant. and lat. surf.)

patella (base)

femoral n. (L2, L3, L4)

extend leg; Quadriceps femoris


pecten pubis

femur (pectineal line)

femoral n. (L2, L3)

adduct, flex thigh

Adductor longus

pubis (inf. to pubic crest)

femur (linea aspera)

obturator n. (L2, L3, L4)

adduct thigh

Adductor brevis

pubis (inf. ramus)

femur (pectineal line, linea aspera)

obturator n. (L2, L3, L4)

adduct thigh

Adductor magnus (2)

adductor, hamstring

pubis (inf. ramus), ischium (ramus);

pubis (ischial tuberosity)

femur (gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, supracondylar line);

femur (adductor tub.)

adductor: obturator n. (L2, L3, L4)

hamstring: sciatic n. (L4)

adductor: flex and adduct thigh

hamstring: extend and adduct thigh


pubis (body, inf. ramus)

tibia (med. surf.)

obturator n. (L2, L3)

adduct thigh

flex and medially rotate leg

Obturator externus

pubis (obturator foramen)

femur (trochanteric fossa)

obturator n. (L3, L4)

laterally rotate thigh

Gluteus maximus

ilium (ala, iliac crest, sacrum)

tibia (lat. condoyle) via iliotibial tract

femur (gluteal tuberosity)

inf. gluteal n. (L5, S1, S2)

extend and laterally rotate thigh

Gluteus medius

ilium (ext. surf.)

femur (lat. surf. of gr. trochanter)

sup. gluteal n. (L5, S1)

abduct and medially rotate thigh

Gluteus minimus

ilium (ext. surf.)

femur (ant. surf. of gr. trochanter)

sup. gluteal n. (L5, S1)

abduct and medially rotate thigh


sacrum (ant. surf.), sciatic notch

sacrotuberous lig.

femur (sup. border of gr. trochanter)

v. rami of S1, S2

abduct and medially rotate thigh

laterally rotate extended thigh

Superior gemellus

pubis (ischial spine)

femur (med. surf. of gr. trochanter)

n. to obturator internus (L5, S1)

same as obturator internus

Inferior gemellus

pubis (ischial tuberosity)

femur (med. surf. of gr. trochanter)

n. to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)

same as obturator internus

Quadratus femoris

pubis (ischial tuberosity)

femur (quadrate tub. on intertrochanteric crest)

n. to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)

laterally rotate thigh

Tibialis anterior

tibia (lat. condoyle, lat. surf.)

med. cuneiform (med. and inf. surf.)

1st metatarsal (base)

deep fibular n.

(L4, L5)

dorsiflex and invert foot

Extensor hallucis longus

fibula (ant. surf.)

interosseous membrane

distal phalanx of great toe (d. surf.)

deep fibular n.

(L5, S1)

extend great toe, dorsiflex foot

Extensor digitorum longus

tibia (lat. condoyle), fibula (sup. surf.), interosseous membrane

mid. and dist. phalanges of lat. 4 digits

deep fibular n.

(L5, S1)

extend lat. 4 digits, dorsiflex foot

Fibularis tertius

fibula (ant. surf.)

interosseous membrane

5th metatarsal (dorsal surf.)

deep fibular n.

(L5, S1)

dorsiflex and evert foot

Fibularis longus

fibula (head, sup. lat. surf.)

1st metatarsal (base), med. cuneiform

superficial fibular n. (L5, S1, S2)

evert and plantarflex foot

Fibularis brevis

fibula (inf. lat. surf.)

5th metatarsal (lat. tuberosity)

superficial fibular n. (L5, S1, S2)

evert and plantarflex foot

Gastrocnemius (2)

lateral, medial

femur (lat. condoyle);

femur (popliteal surf.)

calcaneus (post. surf.) via tendo calcaneus

tibial n.

(S1, S2)

plantarflex foot, raise heel,

flex knee joint


fibula (post. head, post. surf.)

tibia (soleal line, med. border)

calcaneus (post. surf.) via tendo calcaneus

tibial n.

(S1, S2)

plantarflex foot


femur (inf. lat. supracondylar line)

calcaneus (post. surf.)

tibial n. (S1, S2)

plantaflex foot, flex knee joint


femur (lat condoyle), lat meniscus

tibia (post. surf., sup. to soleal line)

tibial n. (L4, L5, S1)

flex and unlock knee

Flexor hallucis longus

fibula (inf. post. surf.)

inf. interosseous membrane

dist. phalanx of great toe (base)

tibial n.

(S2, S3)

flex great toe and plantarflex foot

support longitudinal arch of foot

Flexor digitorum longus

tibia (med. post. surf.)

fibula (via apo.)

dist. phalanges of lat. 4 digits (bases)

tibial n.

(S2, S3)

flex lat. 4 digits and plantarflex foot

support longitudinal arch of foot

Tibialis posterior

interosseous membrane

tibia (inf. post. surf.)

fibula (post. surf.)

navicular, cuneiform, and cuboid bones (tuberosities)

2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsal (bases)

tibial n.

(L4, L5)

plantarflex and invert foot

Abductor hallucis

tuber calcanei (med. proc.)

flexor retinaculum, plantar apo.

prox. phalanx of great toe (med. side)

med. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

abduct and flex great toe

Flexor digitorum brevis

tuber calcanei (med. proc.)

plantar apo., intermuscular septa

mid. phalanges of lat. 4 digits (both sides)

med. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

flex lat. four digits

Abductor digiti minimi (foot)

tuber calcanei (med. and lat. proc.)

plantar apo., intermuscular septa

prox. phalanx of 5th digit (lat. side)

lat. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

abduct and flex 5th digit

Quadratus plantae

calcaneus (plantar surf.)

tendon of flexor digitorum longus

lat. plantar n. (S2, S3)

flex lat. 4 digits

Medial lumbrical

tendons of flexor digitorum longus

prox. phalanges of lat. four digits

tendons of extensor digitorum longus

med. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

flex lat. 4 digits

Lateral lumbricals

(3 muscles)

tendons of flexor digitorum longus

prox. phalanges of lat. four digits

tendons of extensor digitorum longus

lat. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

flex lat. 4 digits

Flexor hallucis brevis

cuboid and lat. cuneiform bones (plantar surf.)

prox. phalanx of great toe

med. plantar n.

(S1, S2)

flex prox. phalanx of great toe

Adductor hallucis (2) oblique, transverse

metatarsals 2-4 (bases);

metatarsophalangeal joints

prox. phalanx of great toe (lat. base)

deep branch of lat. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

adduct great toe

support trans. arch of foot

Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot)

5th metatarsal (base)

prox. phalanx of 5th digit (base)

superficial branch of lat. plantar n. (S2, S3)

flex prox. phalanx of 5th digit

Plantar interossei

(3 muscles)

metatarsals 3-5 (base and med. sides)

prox. phalanges of digits 3-5 (med. base)

lat. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

adduct digits 2-4

Dorsal interossei

(4 muscles)

metatarsals 1-5 (adjacent sides)

prox. phalanges of digits 2-4 (lat. sides)

lat. plantar n.

(S2, S3)

abduct digits 2-4

Internal oblique

iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia,

inguinal lig.

ribs 10-12 (inf. borders), linea alba,

pubis (via conjoint tendon)

inf. six thor. nn.

1st lumbar n.

flex and rotate trunk

support and compress abd. viscera

External oblique

ribs 5-12 (ant. surf.)

linea alba, pubic tub., iliac crest

inf. six thor. nn., subcostal n.

same as internal oblique

Transversus abdominus

costal cartilages 7-12, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal lig.

linea alba, pubic crest,

pecten pubis (via conjoint tendon)

inf. six thor. nn.

1st lumbar n.

support and compress abd. viscera

Rectus abdominus

pubic symphysis, pubic crest

xiphoid, costal cartilages 5-7

inf. six thor. nn.

flex trunk, support abd. viscera

Psoas major

lumbar vert. (trans. proc.)

vert. T12-L5 (sides of bodies, discs)

femur (l. trochanter)

lumbar plexus

(ventral branches of L2, L3, L4)

sup. w/ iliacus: flex thigh

inf.: flex vertebral column laterally

bi. w/ iliacus: flex trunk


iliac fossa (sup. surf.),

sacrum (ala), sacroiliac lig.

femur (l. trochanter, shaft inf. to l. trochanter), tendon of psoas major

femoral n.

(L2, L3, L4)

flex thigh, stabilize hip joint

see Psoas major

Quadratus lumborum

rib 12 (med. inf. border)

lumbar vert. (trans. proc.)

iliolumbar lig.

iliac crest (int. lip)

ventral branches of T12, L1, L2, L3, L4

extend and laterally flex vertebral column, fix rib 12 on inspiration

Obturator internus

ilium and ischium (pelvic surf.)

obturator membrane

femur (gr. trochanter)

n. to obturator internus

(L5, S1, S2)

laterally rotate extended thigh

abduct flexed thigh

Scalenus posterior

vert. C4-C6 (trans. proc.)

rib 2 (ext. border)

v. rami of cerv. spinal nn

flex neck laterally, elevate rib 2

Scalenus medius

vert. C2, C7 (trans. proc.)

rib 1 (sup. surf.)

v. rami of cerv. spinal nn

flex neck laterally, elevate rib 1


mandible (mylohyoid line)

hyoid bone (raphe and body)

mylohyoid n.

elevate hyoid bone

elevate floor of mouth, tongue


mandible (inf. mental spine)

hyoid bone (body)

hypoglossal n. (CN XII)

pull hyoid bone anterosuperiorly

shorten floor of mouth

widen pharynx


temporal bone (stylohyoid proc.)

hyoid bone (body)

facial n. (CN VII)

elevate and retract hyoid bone

Digastric (2)

anterior, posterior

mandible (digastric fossa);

temporal bone (mastoid notch)

hyoid bone (body and gr. horn)

via intermediate tendon

ant.: mylohyoid n.

post.: facial n. (CN VII)

depress mandible

raise and steady hyoid bone


sternum (manubrium)

clavicle (med. end)

hyoid bone (body)

ansa cervicalis

(C1, C2, C3)

depress hyoid bone after elevated


sternum (post. manubrium)

thyroid cartilage (oblique line)

ansa cervicalis (C2, C3)

depress hyoid bone and larynx


thyroid cartilage (oblique line)

hyoid bone (body and gr. horn)

hypoglossal n. (CN XII; C1)

depress hyoid bone, elevate larynx


scapula (sup. border near notch)

hyoid bone (inf. border)

ansa cervicalis (C1, C2, C3)

depress, retract, and steady hyoid

Superior constrictor

pterygoid hamulus, tongue (side)

pterygomandibular raphe

madible (post. mylohyoid line)

pharynx (med. raphe)

pharyngeal tubercule

pharyngeal and sup. laryngeal nn.

(CN X)

constrict wall of pharynx during swallowing

Middle constrictor

stylohyoid lig.

hyoid bone (gr. and l. horns)

pharynx (med. raphe)

pharyngeal and sup. laryngeal nn.

(CN X)

constrict wall of pharynx during swallowing

Inferior constrictor

thryoid cartilage (oblique line)

cricoid cartilage (side)

pharynx (med. raphe)

pharyngeal and sup. laryngeal nn.

(CN X)

elevate pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking


hard palate, palatine aponeurosis

thyroid cartilage (post. border)

pharynx and esophagus (sides)

pharyngeal and sup. laryngeal nn.

(CN X)

elevate pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking


auditory tube (cartilagenous part)

blends w/ palatopharyngeus

same as palatopharyngeus

same as palatopharyngeus


temporal bone (styloid proc.)

thyroid cartilage (sup. and post. border)

glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX)

same as palatopharyngeus


cricoid cartilage (ant. lat. part)

thyroid cartilage (inf. margin and horn)

ext. laryngeal n.

stretch and tense vocal fold

Posterior cricoarytenoid

cricoid cartilage (post. laminae)

arytenoid cartilage (muscular proc.)

recurrent laryngeal n.

abduct vocal fold

Lateral cricoarytenoid

cricoid cartilage (arch)

arytenoid cartilage (muscular proc.)

recurrent laryngeal n.

adduct vocal fold


thyroid cartilage (post. surf.)

arytenoid opening (anterolateral surf.)

recurrent laryngeal n.

relax vocal fold

Transverse and Oblique arytenoids

an arytenoid cartilage

opp. arytenoid cartilage

recurrent laryngeal n.

close laryngeal aditus by joining arytenoid cartilages


thyroid cartilage (btw. laminae)

arytenoid cartilage (vocal proc.)

recurrent laryngeal n.

alter vocal fold during phonation

Splenius (2)

capitis, cervicis portions

ligamentum nuchae (inf. half)

vert. T1-T6 (spinous proc.)

capitis: occipital bone (mastoid proc., sup. nuchal line)

cervicis: vert. C1-C4 (spinous proc.)

d. rami of inf. cerv. nn.

uni.: laterally flex and rotate head and neck to same side

bi.: extend head and neck

Erector spinae (3)

Iliocostalis (lateral), Longissimus (middle), Spinalis (medial)

iliac crest (post. surface), sacrum (post. surface and spinous proc.), sacroiliac lig.

ribs (angles), vert. C4-C6 (post. tub.);

vert. C1-T5 (trans. proc.), temporal bone (mastoid proc.);

sup. thor. vert. (spinous proc.)

d. ramus of spinal nn.

uni.: lat. flex head and spine

longissimus only, uni.: rotate head to same side

bi.: extend head and spine

Semispinalis (2)

thoracis and cervicis, capitis

vert. (trans. proc.);

vert. T1-T6 (trans. proc.)

thor. and cerv. vert. (spinous proc.);

occipital bone (area btw. sup. and inf. nuchal lines)

d. rami of cerv. spinal nn.

thoracis and cervicis, bi.: extend cerv. and thor. vert. column

thoracis and cervicis, uni.: rotate cerv. and thor. vert column to opp. side

capitis, bi.: extend head


vert. C2-S4 (arch)

vert. C2-S4 (spinous proc., 1-3 vert. sup. to origin)

d. rami of cerv. spinal nn.

uni.: flex trunk laterally, rotate trunk to opp. side

bi.: extend trunk, stabilize vert.


all vert. (trans. proc., one vert. inf. to insertion)

all vert. (base of spinous proc.)

d. rami of spinal nn.

rotate sup. vert. to opp. side

stabilize vert.


cerv. vert. (trans. proc., one vert. inf. to insertion)

all vert. (spinous proc.)

d. rami of cerv. spinal nn.

extend vert. column


cerv. vert. (trans. proc., one vert. inf. to insertion)

all vert. (spinous proc.)

v. and d. rami of cerv. spinal nn.

uni:: laterally flex sup. vert.

bi.: extend vert. column

Levator costarum

thor. vert. (trans. proc.)

rib inf. to origin (btw. tub. and angle)

lat. d. rami of spinal nn.

raise ribs during inspiration

Rectus capitis posterior (2)

major, minor

vert. C2 (post. spinous proc.);

vert. C1 (post. tub. on post. arch)

occipital bone (inf. nuchal line)

d. ramus of C1 n.

uni.: rotate head to same side

bi.: extend head

Oblique capitis (2)

superior, inferior

vert. C1 (sup. trans. proc.);

vert. C2 (lat. spinous proc.)

occipital bone (post. surf.);

vert. C1 (inf. trans. proc.)

d. ramus of C1 n.

sup.: extend and laterally flex head

inf.: laterally flex head via C1

External anal sphincter

coccyx, anococcygeal lig., perineal body

pernieal muscle, puborectalis muscle

inf. rectal n.,

perineal branch of S4

close anal canal and anus







ischium (tub.)

tibia (sup. med. surf.)

tibial division of sciatic n.

(L5, S1, S2)

extend thigh

flex and laterally rotate leg


ischium (tub.)

tibia (med. condyle)

same as semitendinous

same as semitendinous

Biceps femoris

long, short heads

ischium (tub.);

femur (linea aspera, lat. supracondylar line)

fibula (lat. head)

tibial division of sciatic n.;

fibular division of sciatic n.

(L5, S1, S2)

long: extend thigh

both: flex and laterally rotate leg