interconvert chemical energy (ATP) and ion gradient energy (concentration/electrochemical gradient across membrane)
V and F transport only protons
P and V only hydrolyze ATP
F can also produce ATP by running in reverse (high ADP and low H+ in mitochondrial matrix)
all are driven by ATP/ADP ratio
The Na-K ATPase
Moves Na+ Out and K+ In
after this, membrane is more permeable to K+, so some K+ moves out
K+ exit produces more positive charge outside
There is already more Na+ outside, so this charge difference means Na+ really wants to come in
The cell uses this dual Na+ gradient (concentration/electrostatic) for many biological processes.
So the Na-K ATPase is very important (it uses one third of all cell energy)
Peculiar Features of this Protein:
3 Na+ out per 2 K+ in, so it is electrogenic (although this current does NOT directly produce membrane potential—see above)
found in plasma membrane of all cells (especially neurons)
always saturated with ATP under cellular conditions
2 subunits—alpha binds Na+, K+, ATP, ouabain, etc.; beta is glycosylated and controls localization and ATPase activity
it is called a P-type ATPase because it is phosphorylated at an aspartate residue
the high energy Asp-PO4 ester linkage is used to drive the reaction
Na+ stimulates kinase, and K+ stimulates phosphatase, so there are 2 steps:
(1) dephosphorylated enzyme releases 2 K+ inside and binds 3 Na+; this stimulates the kinase.
(2) phosphorylated enzyme releases 3 Na+ outside and binds 2 K+; this stimulates the phosphatase. Go to 1.
Digitalis (ouabain)
glycosidic steroid—acts only on Na-K ATPase
competes with K+, so it turns off the phosphatase and inhibits the enzyme
Na+ inside the cell increases, removing the concentration/electrostatic Na+ gradient
Na+/Ca++ antiport depends on this gradient, so it pushes out less Ca++
more Ca++ in the cell causes stronger beats
Only 10% of the Na-K ATPase channels should be inhibited, since inhibiting more would be lethal (cell volume, pH, and membrane potential are controlled by the Na-K
Also, dosage must be controlled for intracellular K+ concentration (need more if hyperkalemic)