Viruses that infect plant cells are bacteriophages, or phages
Naked capsid virus
(nonenveloped): no lipid coating
some have spikes, others don’t
Þ bind cell surface receptor
: protein coat assembled from capsomers (smaller protein subunits)
dots signify viral proteins are closely linked to genetic info
Enveloped virus
: lipid membrane surrounding capsid
: viral nucleic acid plus surrounding capsid
protein: supplied by virus to aid in assembling new viruses
genetic material is closely linked to many proteins
Common outcomes
Productive infection resulting in lyticcelldeath
can be quantitated by plaque assay (see figure below)
bacteriophages (A) vs. adenovirus (B, human virus)
Þ different viruses
produce different plaques (size and shape vary)
examples of lytic viruses (promotes cell lysis/death)
virus infects cell
Þ replicates Þ lyses cell Þ white spot; shows how many viral particles are active
cytopathic effect (CPE): change in cell morphology due to lytic viruses
Persistant virus production
leading to chronic asymptomatic infection, chronic disease state, or relapse to a more aggressive state
, which may be associated with:
integration of viral genome into host genome, or maintenance as plasmid (in the case of bacteriophages)
reactivation at a later time
may change the genotype of the infected cell
Hit and run infection
: virus infects cell Þ replicates, causes some damageÞ all evidence of virus is lost from the cell
Determinants of infection outcomes
: particular host-virus combination, extracellular environment, multiplicity of infection, physiology and developmental stage of the cell (ie. some viruses only replicate in actively dividing host cells)
Virus has intimate assoc with host cell so it is hard to target medically, but can target the viral enzyme used for replication
Genome structure
Much variation: ss/ds, RNA/DNA, linear/circular, covalently attached terminal proteins
circular genome and covalent proteins aid in resolving problem assoc with replicating the ends of the genome
Most viruses have a single nucleic acid molec (unsegmented), but some RNA viruses have several molec (segmented)
For viruses with ss genomes, the polarity relative to viral mRNA can be either:
the same polarity (+) or called the coding or mRNA sense
the opposite polarity (-) or called the noncoding or mRNA antisense
in this case, virus must generate its own enzymes (prepackaged) in order to replicate in the host
Many pathways for synthesizing viral mRNA are related to genomic structure (see figure below)
red arrows indicate genetic material not normally read by the host cell so must supply their own enzymes
convert (+)RNA
Þ (-)DNA Þ (+)DNA Þ then use host
Capsid structure
All viruses encode their own capsid proteins
Viral genomes too small to encode single protein to encapsulate a viral genome so produce capsids composed of repeating protein subunits (i.e., the simplest spherical virus contains 60 identical protein subunits)
: subunits arranged as an icosahedron (20 identical faces)
Most viruses have structures protruding from their surfaces that are often involved in absorption to cell surface
ex: bacteriophage tail; adenovirus spikes; glycoprotein spikes in memb of some enveloped viruses
Some capsids package virally-encoded enzymes essential for early steps in viral replication
Classification of viruses
Classify according to size and composition of genetic material
Classify according to shape of virus
Huge range in sizes
smallest: needs active replicating cell
largest: supplies virtually all of the enzymes it needs to replicate
Viral replication cycle
Adsorption to surface of cell
highly specific, involves virion attachmnt proteins and cellular receptors
host range: cell types which can be infected by a given virus. Most viruses are species-specific
Penetration and uncoating
viruses 1st enter cell cytoplasm by receptor-mediated endocytosis
for enveloped viruses, low pH of endosomal compartment induces conformational changes in viral proteins which can then mediate fusion between endosomal and virus envelope membs, releasing virus into host cell cytoplasm
nonenveloped viruses (ie adenovirus) must also be released from endosomes (ie penetrate), but mechanisms unclear
some viruses avoid endosomes and enter cytosol immediately
viruses may undergo further uncoating (loss of capsid structure) in cytoplasm
Amplification of viral nucleic acids and proteins
Processing and assembly of new viral proteins and nucleic acids into progeny particles
viral proteins may be cleaved (proteolysis), glycoslated (addition of CHO), or fatty acylated (addition of fatty acids) by viral enzymes or host cell machinery
formation of new capsid structures generally involves self-assembly of protein subunits
In general, capsids and new nucleic acids of cylindrical viruses undergo co-assembly. For spherical viruses, new genomes are inserted into pre-assembled capsid structures
nonenveloped viruses are released by cell death (cell lysis)
enveloped viruses bud thru the cell memb (usually plasma memb) Þ does not kill host cell so can bud indefinitely
envelope composed of lipid from host cell memb and protein made from viral genome
Host-virus interactions
Acquisition of viral infections
direct infection (of respiratory, alimentary, and genital tracts; skin; oropharyngeal mucosa; or conjunctiva)
insect vectors or animal bites (ie rabies)
blood or blood products/blood transfusions (ie hepatitis)
some viruses (ie rubella, cytomegalovirus) can traverse the chorionic barrier (mother to neonate)
Virus spread in the host
cell to cell via cell-free virus (local infections)
release into bloodstream (systemic infections)
cell-cell fusion without touching extracellular matrix (difficult to attack these viruses)
travel thru axons
for enveloped viruses, site of budding determines how virus spreads: apical Þ local; basolateral Þ systemic
Common outcomes
inapparent or asymptomatic infection Þ no clinical symptoms
disease Þ viral damage to tissues/organs; loss of function; tissue damage due to host immune responses
Interferon production by infected cell – early, nonspecific antiviral defense triggered by ds-RNA Þ blocks viral replication by either blocking protein synthesis (ie PKR) or by chewing up mRNA
Phosphorylated PKR phosphorylates and inactivates EIF-2a which is needed for protein synthesis
Interferon activates dependent RNase which chews up mRNA
Infected cells display virally-derived peptides on their cell surface becoming targets for complement-fixing Ab and cytotoxic T-cells
Neutralizing Ab prevent virus attachment or uncoating. Usually directed against envelope or capsid proteins; protect against repeated cycles or virus infection