Basic Reproductive Rate (R0):
- a hypothetical number; basically: if one person with a disease enters a completely susceptible population during the infectious period of their disease, how many people does he/she directly infect?
- R0 > 1: one person infects more than one other Þ epidemic growth can occur
- R0 = 1: the infection level is constant Þ endemic infection
- R0 < 1: infection eventually disappears Þ extinction
- R0 is determined by three factors:
- b
: risk of transmission per contact (attack rate) i.e. .85 for measles; 0.01 for HIV with sexual contact
- k
: number of susceptible contacts made per unit time
- D: duration of infectiousness; can be altered by treatment or prior infection
Effective Reproductive Rate (Re): like R0, but takes into account that some individuals in a population are immune
- example: R0 = 4, but 50% are immune Þ Re = 2
Herd Immunity: a susceptible group gains resistance via immunity of the remaining population Þ widespread immunity reduces the chance that an infected person will contact a susceptible individual
- herd immunity can be related to reproductive rate to determine the level of immunity needed to prevent epidemic
- p > 1-1/R0 when p = proportion of population that is immune
- example: if R0 for measles is 15, p > .94
Þ 94% immunity in the population is needed to prevent an epidemic
SIR Model
"susceptible" Þ (b × k) Þ "infectious" Þ (1/D) Þ "resistant/removed/recovered"
- population is fixed (no migration)
- homogeneous mixing (no segregation)
- incubation period is zero
- transmission occurs only through one route
- all individuals develop lasting immunity
- individuals do not die of the infection
if you run this model and introduce a single infectious person into the population, the number of cases gradually rises to a peak and then declines to zero even though there are still susceptible people in the population Þ due to herd immunity
Reed-Frost Model: all of the same assumptions hold true; deals with selecting random pairs out of a population and determining the probability of an infectious contact based on the current number of infectious cases
A more complex model: takes into account latency, births renewing the susceptible population, reinfection
- "susceptible" Þ "latent" Þ "infectious" Þ "recovered"; susceptible renewed by "recovered" population and "births"
Some Examples:
- the epidemic curve begins to decline when susceptible people < immune people Þ herd immunity
- with a prolonged infective period, more people become infected and there is an early, high peak of the epidemic
- decreased transmission leads to a lower, later peak
- high mortality leads to a smaller epidemic (people don’t have the chance to make contacts because they are dead)