Muscle glycogen breakdown is most rapid during the first 5-10min of intense exercise (muscle relies on stored energy)
Þ supplies glucose to working muscle and prevents hypoglycemia
As exercise intensity and duration of exercise
Ý , rate of gluconeogenesis from Ala/lactate/pyruvate/glycerol Ý
Alanine can be broken-down by muscle protein or synthesized from BCAA (Val/Leu/Isoleu) along with pyruvate (C-source)
Þ Ala then goes to liver and undergoes gluconeogenesis (helps prevent hypoglycemia)
Utilization of plasma glucose (from liver glycogen and gluconeogenesis), and FFA’s (from adipose TG’s) contributes up to 80% of total energy during prolonged effort (>1hr)
If exercise intensity is >75% maximal effort, FFA contribution decreases and CHO contribution increases
As muscle contraction increases, migration of GLUT4 to cell surface occurs
On the other hand, if exercise is prolonged at moderate intensity, as glucose reserves are depleted, there is increased reliance on fat
Oxygen supply to muscle is a major determinant of FA utilization since it must undergo
b -oxidation
Diet consumed before the exercise
Diet rich in fat and protein
Þ shifts fuel use toward fat utilization
Diet rich in CHO’s
Þ increase conc. of glycogen in muscle Þ increase the maximal duration of sustained exercise
The state of physical training
Increased endurance capacity in trained state due to adaptations in muscle fibers and increased cardiovascular reserve
Þ results in improved capacity to deliver and consume oxygen aerobically
Regular exercise increases muscle capillary density while training results in increased mito content and respiratory capacity of muscle fibers (burn more fat and spare more glycogen)
Þ also Ý VO2max, SV, CO and ß HR
exercise of same intensity does NOT alter the oxygen requirement; rather, the increased respir capacity of muscle shifts metabolism toward a greater utilization of FA’s for energy
results in less reliance on muscle glycogen, blood glucose and reduced lactate production
produces a glycogen sparing effect associated with improved endurance performance