Vitamin A (retinoids) are hydrophobic molecules contain 6 carbon ring (functional group) with an isoprenoid side chain
The retinoid can have an alcohol (retinol), aldehyde (retinal) or carboxyl (retinoic acid) as the terminal group at C15
Isoprenoid side chain consists of many double bonds resulting in many different cis-trans isomers
Vit A is an essential, fat-soluble nutrient synthesized by animals which must be supplied from our diet
2 major classes of compounds with activity of Vit A
Isoprenoid compounds in animal products; Source: eggs, whole milk or fortified foods
Isoprenoid compounds produced by plants; converted to retinoids during absorption; many forms (only 10% are precursors of vit A); Source: green leafy vegetables, orange/yellow fruits and vegetables; in b -carotene (major carotenoid in plants) is converted to retinol with 16% efficiency
retinol equivalent
(RE) is a measure of this efficiency (1 ug retinol = 1RE = 6 ug beta-carotene)
(1) Preformed vit A (mostly retinyl palmitate long chain FA ester of retinol thus needs micelles for absorption) hydrolyzed to retinol in intestine Þ absorbed by mucosal cells Þ re-esterified with long chain saturated FAs
(2) b -carotene diffuses into mucosal cells Þ hydrolyzed by carotene cleavage enzyme to form 2 molec of retinal Þ reduced to retinol Þ esterified to retinyl esters
after absorption, retinyl esters packaged into lymph chylomicrons Þ into lymphatics Þ into circulation Þ liver Þ retinyl esters hydrolyzed to retinol and bound to retinol binding protein (RBP) Þ stored in stellate cells (major site of liver vit A) or released from liver into circulation
: most of diet-derived vit A is taken up by hepatic parenchymal cells but most of vit A of liver is in stellate cells!
Delivery of retinol to extrahepatic tissues
(1) chylomicron remnants which usually go to liver for processing may also be taken up by muscle, adipose tissue and kidney
(2) delivery to extrahepatic tissues via RBP (major pathway)
Transport of Vitamin A from the Liver to Peripheral Tissues: Retinol Binding Protein
Retinol-RBP in the plasma binds to transthyretin (TTR pre-albumin; prevents kidney filtration of RBP, increases RBP ½ life from 3hr to 11-16hrs) Þ RBP-receptor-mediated endocytosis of RBP-Retinol complex into peripheral tissues Þ RBP binds the receptor, retinol enters the cell and TTR remains in plasma
Cellular Retinoid Binding Proteins: Once retinol is delivered to target cells via RBP, it binds intracellular RBP, several forms Þ cellular retinol binding proteins (CRBP); cellular retinaldehyde binding proteins (CRALBP); cellular retinoic acid binding proteins (CRABP)
Cellular retinoid binding proteins serve as specific chaperones for the retinoids for metabolism and translocation
Distribution of these binding proteins is tissue specific and developmentally controlled
Metabolic Functions of Vitamin A
Regulation of gene transcription by retinoic acid
nuclear receptors detected in most cells for retinoic acid retinoic acid receptors (RAR)
RARs are transcription factors and members of steroid/thyroid hormone receptor super family
Retinoic acid binds RAR Þ forms homo or heterodimers with other members of its superfamily (retinoid X receptor, vitamin D receptor, thyroid receptor) Þ bind short DNA sequences (retinoic acid responsive elements RARE) in the promotor region Þ stimulates or inhibits gene expression depending on the gene
Genes responsive to retinoic acid include structural proteins (keratins), extracellular matrix proteins (laminins), enzymes (alcohol DH) and retinoid binding proteins and receptors
Regulation of these genes plays a role in maintenance of epithelial differentiation and immune function vit A deficiency results in changes in epithelial integrity and suppressed immune function
Vitamin A and the Visual Process
Rods are concerned with dim vision and house the pigment rhodopsin which is the fundamental light sensing unit
Rhodopsin consists of 11-cis retinal bound to the protein opsin
Photon of light hits rhodopsin Þ catalyzes isomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all trans-retinal (photobleaching)Þ triggers activation of a G protein mediated signaling cascade Þ activates neuronal cells that communicate with the visual cortex
The all trans-retinal is cleaved from the protein forming all-trans retinaldehyde and opsin Þ aldehyde is reduced to alcohol forming all-trans retinol Þ transported to retinal pigment epith via interstitial retinoid binding protein (IRBP) Þ all-trans-retinol is esterified to retinyl ester Þ isomerized to 11-cis retinol Þ dehydrogenated to 11-cis retinal and transported back to the photoreceptor cells via IRBP Þ ready to bind opsin once again
Vitamin A Deficiency and Toxicity
Vit A deficiency Þ night blindness (reversible), Xerophthalmia (irreversible), Bitots spots (more about these below)
WHO includes low serum retinol and low breast milk retinol indicators of public health problems with Vit A
Vit A excess Þ toxicity seen with overconsumption at 10x the RDA and excessive consumption of liver
protection against hypervitaminosis good storage in liver, irreversible oxidation of retinoic acid, relatively inefficient conversion of carotenoids
Both vitamin A deficiency and excess may have teratogenic effects
Vitamin A Deficiency
Vit A deficiency is very common annually affects 5-10 million children (mostly in the developing world)
= "dry eye"
symptoms = night blindness; retinopathy; conjuctival and corneal xerosis; corneal ulceration and melting
Egyptians 1000s of years ago treated it with Liver (contains vit A)
In general, nutritional blindness means Xerophthalmia
Can occur at any age, but children are more susceptible (rapid growth rate depletes the stores)
Seen today especially in rice eating areas of SE Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Mediterranean
= liquifactive necrosis of the cornea (often most severe stage of Vit A deficiency)
Xerophthalmia and Keratomalacia are most common ocular diseases due to Vit A deficiency
Clinical classification
ocular changes occur in a regular sequence
XIA Conjunctival Xerosis
Patch of dry unwettable conjuctiva (mostly temporal side, may be nasal side)
Results from loss of goblet cells as columnar epith changes to stratified squamous