vasotonin: first discovered as a substance that appears in serum when blood clots
vasoconstrictor; removed from blood by passage through the lungs
isolated in 1948 as a complex with creatinine
Þ called serotonin
1930s and 40s: Italians discovered enteramine (a gut stimulating factor; acts on smooth muscle)
1950-2: 5-hydroxytryptamine is synthesized and found to have same effects as enteramine and serotonin
5-HT is a biogenic amine in the same family as the catacholamines
it works close to its site of synthesis and release
Þ paracrine hormone
1953: serotonin found in brain tissue
1954-64: LSD and hallucinogens found to be similar to serotonin
LSD and cocaine block smooth muscle responses to serotonin
tranquilizers found to lower serotonin levels in the brain
Biodisposition of Serotonin
made from tryptophan in two step process (trp is an essencial amino acid)
active uptake of trp is a prerequisite for synthesis; amount of trp in brain is proportional to the amount synthesised
metabolism to 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) via monoamine oxidase (MAO)
excretion in urine 2-10 mg of 5-HIAA per day
further metabolism through aldehyde dehydrogenase and aldehyde reductase
action at receptor sites is terminated by reuptake (Na dependant, carrier mediated)
carrier located in outer membrane of serotanergic axons and platelets
Actions of Serotonin
general: smooth muscle constrictor and CNS moderator but has huge variety of effects
present in most organs with smooth muscle
can stimulate or inhibit smooth muscle and nerves
central neurtransmitter
responses are variable intra- and inter-species
some 5-HT agonists cause release of other substances activating other receptors
i.e. serotonin stimulates epi release so we see effects of epi, but it was mediated by serotonin
some agonists can interact with more than one receptor type
many determinants cause variability of serotonin action
pattern of innervation
route and speed of injection: if inject into pulmony artery it is cleaned out by the lung
aesthetic state: anesthesia may make it impossible for serotonin to have an effect
spontaneous tone: if resting vascular tone is high, serotonin effects may not be noticed
tachyphylaxis: when tests are given at frequent intervals, a diminished response is seen
dose Þ ß response (occurs rapidly)
enterochromaffin cells in GI tract
easiest to ID in GI tract (duodenum)
cells synthesize and store 5-HT; release triggered by ACh, nor epi, increases in intraluminal pressure (full intesine), decreased pH (gastric emptying)
release augmented by mechanical stretching or hypertonic saline
six different receptors
Þ release leads to either augmented or inhibited motility