Anatomy of the Middle Mediastinum
superior mediastinum
- superior to horizontal plane through T4 and T5
anterior mediastinum
- anterior to pericardium, posterior to sternum
middle mediastinum
- contains heart, pericardium, roots of great vessels
posterior mediastinum
- posterior to heart
fibrous pericardium
- outer surface; protects against sudden overfilling; attached to diaphragm, so affected by breathing
serous pericardium
- mesothelial layer; allows for smooth sliding
parietal layer
- inner lining of the fibrous layer
visceral layer
) - outer lining of heart
pericardial cavity
- space between visceral and parietal layers
transverse pericardial sinus
- lies posterior to aorta and pulmonary trunk
oblique pericardial sinus
- posterior to heart, U shaped recess formed by pulmonary veins and inferior vena cava
ligamentum arteriosum
- connects aortic arch and pulmonary trunk; remnant of ductus arteriosus
left vagus nerve
- passes over lateral aspect of aorta; runs medial to phrenic
recurrent laryngeal nerve
- branch of the vagus; runs under ligamentum arteriosum then superiorly
ascending aorta
pulmonary trunk
inferior vena cava
superior vena cave
pulmonary veins
- left and right, superior and inferior
coronary (atrioventricular) groove (sulcus)
- runs obliquely around heart; separates atria and ventricles
anterior ventricular groove
- separates ventricles on anterior side
posterior ventricular groove
- separated ventricles on posterior side
left coronary artery
- originates from ascending aorta
orifice of left coronary artery
- origin of LCA
anterior interventricular branch
- travels anterior interventricular sulcus to apex
circumflex branch
- follows coronary sulcus to posterior aspect of LV
right coronary artery
- follows coronary sulcus to right aspect of heart
anterior right atrial branch
- arises close to origin of RCA; runs under right auricle along anteromedial wall of atrium
marginal branch
- runs on anterior aspect of RV
posterior interventricular branch
- runs down posterior interventricular sulcus
coronary sinus
- posterior along coronary sulcus; empties into RA; most veins in heart are tributaries
great cardiac vein
- main branch of coronary sinus; runs anteroirly and then down with LAD
middle cardiac vein
- branches near opening into right atrium, runs on posterior interventricular sulcus
aortic valve
- three cusps: left, right, posterior (non-cornonary)
- fibrous thickening at middle of free margin
pulmonary valve
- three cusps: left, right, anterior
right atrium
- smooth posterior wall; rough anterior wall; fed by vena cavae and coronary sinus
pectinate muscles
- on anterior atrial wall
crista terminalis
- vertical ridge separates anterior and posterior walls along line of vena cavae
valve of coronary sinus
atrioventricular (tricuspid) orifice
- surrounded by fibrous ring (anulus)
fossa ovalis
- depression on interatrial wall; site of closed foramen ovale
right ventricle
tricuspid valve
- anterior, posterior, septal leaflets
chordae tendineae
- connect leaflets and papillary muscles
: largest; connects to anterior and posterior leaflets
: connects posterior and septal leaflets
: small and numerous; connect septal and anterior cusps
trabeculae carneae
- muscular ridges
septomarginal trabecula (moderator band)
- stretches from interventricular septum to base of anterior papillary muscle
orifice of pulmonary trunk
conus arteriosis (infundibulum)
- cone shaped portion of the orifice; funnel to pulmonary trunk
left atrium
- fed by four pulmonary veins; smooth except for small pectinate muscles in auricle
left atrioventricular (mitral) orifice
foramen ovale
- usually seen as a curved ridge
left ventricle
- higher pressure bulges interventricular wall out into RV
mitral valve
- two leaflets: anterior, posterior; two papillary muscles: anterior, posterior
trabeculae carneae
muscular part of the interventricular septum
membranous part of the interventricular septum
- fingernail size; just inferior to attached margins of right and non coronary cusps of aortic valve; last septum to close in development