Airway Mechanics
Resistance to Flow
- Airway Resistance
- Pav - Ppl = Pl = transpulmonary pressure (across alveoli) – same as elastic recoil pressure
- Pouisilles eqation—flow = (pressure * pi * r4) / (8 * eta * l); eta is viscosity
- compliance = V/P = 1/elastance
- Ohm’s Law: resistance = P/flow = P/V; resistance is inversely proportional to r4
- low radius causes very high resistance
- dichotomous branching tubes – trachea Þ main stem bronchi Þ lobar bronchi Þ segmental bronchi Þ subsegmental Þ etc.
- each div. produces two smaller tubes, but caliper of each daughter airway is more than half parent
- 23 divisions in all, so total cross sectional area at end is substantially larger than beginning
- by Poiselles Law – resistance increases exorbitantly near top of airway
- additionally: top of airway is turbulant flow (Reynold’s number sufficiently high)
- pressure proportional to square of flow – result: resistance increased still further
- Distribution of Resistance
- three regions of decreasing resistance (total = 4.0 cmH2O/L/sec)
- (1) xtrathoracic (trachea + main stem bronchi) = 50% of resistance (2.0 cmH2O/L/sec)
- (2) large intrathoracic (bronchi >2mm) = 40% (1.6 cmH2O/L/sec)
- (3) small intrathoracic (<2mm, about 8th division) = 10% (0.4 cmH2O/L/sec)
- diseases (COPD, emphysema, etc.) affect small airways, but resistance here is so small that total resistance changes very little (if small airway resistance doubles, total resistance increases to 4.4, or by only 10%)
- Effects of Lung Volume on Airway Caliper
- airways are not rigid—transmural pressure (across wall of airway) = Pairway – Ppl contributes to caliber
- true of interthoracic airways too; elasticity of lung tethers these open
- at large open volume, Pav = Pairway = 0 (atmospheric), and airways are held open by negative Ppl
- during loss of elasticity (emphasema), a less negative Ppl will be required
- as volume increases, Ppl becomes more negative and elastic recoil force becomes greater so caliber increases
- increasing volume produces increased caliber, decreased resistance, increased conductance
Flow-Volume Relationships
- inspiration
- flow rate independent of Ppl; can increase flow rate by increasing change in Ppl (by inspiratory muscles)
- expiration
- maximum velocity is dependent upon Ppl, specifically lower at less negative Ppl (i.e., smaller volume)
- during exhalation, flow depends on volume and decreases linearly from 75% to 25% volume
- cannot increase flow rate by use of expiratory muscles
- the flow-volume loop – nonsymmetrical for inspiration and expiration
Determinants of Expiratory Flow Rates
- increasing Ppl increases flow rate to a certain maximum velocity at given volume
- expiratory muscles control Ppl, so maximal flow rate independent of effort (but Pl does affect it)
- Equal Pressure Point Theory
- Ppl same throughout thoracic cavity
- during maximal flow, internal pressure (Pav or Pairway) is decreasing toward top of airway (to effect flow)
- at some point, Ppl = Pairway; this is the equal pressure point
- above the equal pressure point, Pairway < Ppl—pleural pressure can compress airway, increasing resistance
- this limits flow to a certain maximum velocity
- lung elastic recoil (Pl) can still increase flow rate, and is the primary determinant of maximum flow rate
- increasing recoil will increase Pav without increasing upper airway transmural pressure