stresses evoked by exercise are primarily cellular—muscle use of O2, CO2 production, heat generation
systemic responses to optimize gas exchange without changing pCO2 or pH:
alteration in hemodynamics, cardiac output, and ventilation
systemic responses that alter the tissue extraction of oxygen
triggered by:
central and peripheral chemoreceptors
activation of muscle afferents by metabolic substances released in working muscle
vascular responses resulting from the local release of metabolites from working muscle
conflicting demands may arise (e.g., increase blood flow to muscle but keep blood pressure constant)
Characteristics of the Cardiopulmonary Adjustments to Sustained Whole Body Exercise
below anaerobic threshold:
increase in ventilation, with ventilation rising in proportion to oxygen consumption
increase in CO (cardiac output), first by increasing SV, later by increasing HR
reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance (increased CO does not cause increase in pulm. pressure)
increase in the percentage of ventilation that can provide for gas exchange (alveolar ventilation) and a maintenance of a normal alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient
increase in skin blood flow, maintenance of coronary blood flow, reduction in splanchnic blood flow
a dilatation of muscle vascular beds
above anaerobic threshold:
lactic acid is produced within muscle, producing additional CO2 (lactic acid buffered by bicarbonate)
total expired CO2 rises out of proportion to oxygen uptake by the body
thus ventilation and oxygen consumption are no longer linearly related to one another
anaerobic threshold = point at which VCO2 (carbon dioxide production) rises out of proportion toVO2