contains 2 pleural sacs and the mediastinum (median space between the pleural cavities; contains heart, aorta, trachea, esophagus, etc)
or visceralpleura cover each lung
root of the lung
is the area of attachment to the mediastinum
parietal pleura
(lines wall of pleural cavity) can be subdivided into costal pleura (line rib cage); mediastinal pleura (line mediastinum); diaphragmatic pleura (line diaphragm); cupula or cervical pleura (extending into the neck
pleural reflections
are the lines where costal pleura become diaphragmatic and mediastinal
pleural recesses
: sites of reflections of parietal pleura
costomediastinal recess
is part of left pleural cavity; parietal pleural reflection from the anterior portion of the thoracic wall to the mediastinum
both pleural cavities have costodiaphragmatic reecess located at the most inferior lmits of the parietal pleura
endothoracic fascia
: small amount of connective tissue that separates the rib cage from the parietal pleura
the 2 pleural cavities are 2 separate and closed potential spaces
serous lubricant present to reduce friction during respiratory movements
potential space may become a real one
Þ pneumothorax (filled with air) or Þ hemothorax (filled with blood)
pleurisy: inflammation of the pleurae
Þ pleural adhesions between parietal and visceral plura