Renal I
Table of Contents
Anatomy and Histology
Renal Anatomy
Renal Histology
Renal Physiology
Renal Physiology and Body Fluid Compartments
Structure and Function of the Kidney
Renal Autocoids and Hormones
Glomerular Filtration
Clearance and Assessment of Renal Function
Sodium and Volume Homeostasis
Tubular Function and Sodium Handling
Cell Physiology of Diuretics
Fluid Homeostasis
Concentration of Urine
Assessment of Concentrating Ability
Regulation of Sodium Excretion
Disorders of Volume Homeostasis: Edema
Potassium and Calcium Homeostasis
Potassium Homeostasis
Calcium and Phosphate Transport
Acid/Base Homeostasis
Acid-Base Homeostasis
Acid-Base Inbalance
Renal Pathology
Chronic Renal Failure