Development of the Urogenital System
Adult Derivatives of Embryonic Urogenital Structures (vestigal remnants in italics)
male |
embryonic structure |
female |
testis |
indifferent gonad |
ovary |
seminiferous tubules |
cortex |
ovarian follicles |
rete testis |
medulla |
rete ovarii |
gubernaculum testis |
gubernaculum |
ovarian ligament and round ligament |
efferent ductules (ductuli efferentis paradidymis) |
mesonephric tubules |
(epoophoron, paroophoron) |
duct of epididymus, also appendix of epididymis |
mesonephric duct (Wollfian) |
(duct of epoophoron, appendix vesiculosa) |
ductus deferens |
(duct of gartner) |
ejaculatory duct and seminal vesicle |
-- (no homolog) |
ureter, renal pelvis, calyces, collecting tubules |
ureter, renal pelvis, calyces, collecting tubules |
(appendix of testes) |
paramesonephric duct (Müllerian) |
uterine tube, uterus, hydatid |
urinary bladder |
urogenital sinus |
urinary bladder |
urethra (except terminus, the navicular fossa) |
urethra |
(prostatic utricle) |
vagina |
prostate gland |
urethral and paraurethral glands |
bulbourethral glands |
greater vestibular glands |
seminal colliculus |
sinus tubercle |
hymen |
penis |
phallus |
clitoris |
glans penis |
glans clitoridis |
corpora cavernosa penis |
corpora cavernosa clitoridis |
corpora spongiosum penis |
bulb of vestibule, greater vestibular glands |
ventral aspect of penis |
urogenital folds |
labia minora |
scrotum |
labioscrotal swellings |
labia majora |
Urinary System
Genital System
female is the default pathway