– (C1-C4), sensory nerves, pass under the sternocleidomastoid "let’s get things started"
Lesser occipital nerve
– runs to occiput
Great auricular nerve
– runs up to ear
Transverse cervical nerve
– goes across neck
Supraclavicular nerve
– runs inferiorly to the clavicle
Deep posterior triangle – branches of the thyrocervical trunk: "I tried teaching crazy sex" = inferior thyroid, transverse cervical, suprascapular arteries
Superior thyroid artery
comes off external carotid, inferior thyroid artery comes off thyrocervical trunk(from subclavian)
(2) Anterior Triangle
– anterior to the sternoceidomastoid, lateral to the midline of neck
Muscular triangle
– inferior to superior omohyoid, laryngeal prominence in center and strap muscles on sides
"strap muscles"
attach to hyoid bone,
bodies inferior to hyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, and omohyoid all innervated by ansa cervicalis (C1, C2, and C3) except thyrohyoid which gets C1
bodies superior to hyoid
(2 bellies, anterior (ABD) and posterior (PBD)) innervated by CN VII (PBD) and CN V (ABD)
– travels with posterior digastric, innervated by CN VII (pierces through the posterior digastric)
– forms the floor of the oral cavity, innervated by CN V
– lies deep to mylohyoid, innervated by a direct branch of C1
and hypoglossus – both insert into tongue, innervated by CN XII
Carotid triangle
–contains Carotid Sheath, a tubular structure containing the internal jugular vein, vagus nerve (CN X), and either the common carotid or internal carotid artery. The internal carotid provides no branches to the neck. Sympathetic trunk lies deep to carotid sheath.
Submandibular triangle
– between the anterior Digastric and the mandible. Contains submandibular gland.
Submandibular gland
– a paired, U shaped salivary gland, wrapped around the myohyoid muscle.
Submental triangle
– unpaired; bounded inferiorly by hyoid bone and laterally by right and left anterior bellies of the Digastric muscles. Contains lymph nodes and little veins that join to form the Anterior Jugular vein
other than the Vagus, nerves of the anterior triangle are derived from ventral primary rami of cervical spine, cranial nerves, or cervical levels of the sympathetic trunk
(V3, mandibular branch of Trigeminal) has a branch for the ABD and mylohyoid..
CN VII facial
– innervates the stylohyoid and PBD as it leaves the skull, innervates Platysma a little later.
CN X Vagus
– gives rise to superior laryngeal nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerves while in the sheath.
CN XI spinal accessory
– innervates the trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid.
CN XII hypoglossal
– motor to intrinsic musculature of the tongue and all extrinsic tongue muscles except the palatoglossus. The Ansa Cervicalis of the cervical plexus appears to "hang from" CN XII.
Phrenic nerve
– "C3, 4, and 5, keeps the diaphragm alive", travel down on the anterior scalene muscle
Cervical sympathetic trunk
– lies deep to the carotid sheath, on the anterior surface of the prevertebral fascia.
Consists mainly of ascending preganglionic sympathetic axons which originate from T1-T4.