Physical Diagnosis
The order described below allows the patient to be examined while changing position only three times (sitting, lying inclined, lying supine, and standing)
General Appearance – developed/nourished/hydrated, emotional state
Vital signs – pulse (radial/brachial arteries) and blood pressure (lying and standing); respiration rate
Mental Status – orientation, short-term memory, calculation ability, speech/language, abstract reasoning
Skin – color, moisture, temperature, texture, mobility, turgor, lesions (location/arrangement/color)
- hair: quantity, distribution, texture
Head and Neck (HEENT)
- inspect:
symmetry, circumference, fontanelles, masses, hair loss
- palpate:
for tenderness, fontanelles
E (eyes):
- test:
visual acuity, visual fields (CN II)
- inspect:
position, alignment, eyebrows, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, conjuctiva/sclera, cornea/iris/lens
- examine pupils:
size, shape, symmetry, reaction to light, near reaction
- EOM:
corneal reflections from midline light, six directions of gaze (follow H pattern), convergence (CN III/IV/VI)
- ophthalmoscope:
red reflex, optic disc, arteries/veins/AV crossings, retina, macula, anterior structures
E (ears):
- inspect:
auricle (move and push tragus (OE), press behind (OM)); palpate mastoid process
- otoscope:
pull auricle, inspect canal, eardrum
- hearing:
acuity (whispered/spoken voice), Weber/Rinne (CN VIII)
N (nose)
- inspect:
external nose, internal nares, septum
- palpate:
frontal and maxillary sinuses
T (throat)
- inspect:
lips, oral mucosa, gums, teeth, roof of mouth, tongue (papillae/symmetry/lesions), floor of mouth, pharynx (exudate/tonsils/soft palate symmetry with ah) (CN IX/X)
- test:
tongue motion (CN XII), gag reflex (CN IX/X)
inspect: neck, position of trachea
palpate: lymph nodes: occipital, anterior and posterior cervical, submandibular, supraclavicular
inspect thyroid: at rest, swollowing
Cranial Nerves: all but three have already been tested
- V – jaw close (temporal/masseter); corneal reflex
- VII – raise eyebrows, frown, close eyes tightly, show teeth, smile, puff out cheeks
- XI – shoulder shrug; move neck
Posterior Thorax/Lungs – observe chest for deformities, use of accessory muscles of inspiration
- inspect:
breathing rate/rhythm/depth/effort; inspiratory retraction of supraclavicular areas/SCM/interspaces
- palpate:
tender areas, respiratory expansion, tactile fremitus
- percuss:
five rows down, two external; identify diaphragmatic excursion
- auscultate:
evaluate breath sounds, note any adventitious sounds; egophony or whispered pectoriloqui
Costovertebral Angle Tenderness
Musculoskeletal (upper) – palpate: axillary and epitrochlear lymph nodes
: palpate
- Shoulder
- test:
out, up, behind head, behind back
- palpate:
acromioclavicular (crossover test), subacromial/subdeltoid bursa, rotator cuff, bicipital groove
- Elbow
- test:
flex/extend, supinate/pronate
- palpate:
olecranon process, medial/lateral epicondyles, extensor surface of ulna, grooves over joint
- Wrists/Hands
- test
: flex/extend/ulnar/medial deviation, finger movements
- inspect:
contours of wrists, hands, fingers, palms
- palpate:
wrist joints, distal radius/ulna, anatomic snuffbox, MCP/PIP/DIP joints
inspect: size, symmetry, contour, skin; nipples (size/shape/direction/rashes/ulcerations/discharge)
test: raise arms above head, press hands against hips
inspect: rashes, infection, pigmentation
palpate: central axillary nodes; also pectoral, lateral, subscapular nodes
Lying Inclined (At 30
° )
palpate: radial pulse (rate, rhythm); carotid pulse (amplitude/variations/contour)
auscultate: carotid
inspect: jugular veins (also measure JVP); anterior chest for pulsations
palpate: apical impulse (loc/diameter/amplitude/duration; left lateral decubitus if necessary); RV impulse (left parasternal/epigastric); left/right 2nd interspaces
auscultate: parasternal: right 2nd IC, left 2nd to 5th IC, MCL: 5th IC (S1/S2 split/clicks/S3/S4/murmurs (timing/shape/location/radiation/intensity/pitch/quality))
- left lateral decubitus for left-sided S3/S4, mitral stenosis murmur
- leaning forward for murmur of aortic regurgitation
Lying Supine
Anterior Thorax – inspect/palpate/percuss (4 rows down (last more medial), 2 external)/auscultate as with posterior thorax
Breast – palpate: consistency, tenderness, nodules (loc/size/shape/consistency/tenderness/mobility), nipple
inspect: skin, umbilicus, contours (shape/symmetry/organomegaly/masses), peristaltic waves/pulsations
auscultate: bowel sounds, aortic or renal bruits, friction rubs (test all 4 quadrants)
percuss: tympany, dullness, liver (measure), spleen
palpate: lightly for guarding, rebound, tenderness; deeply for masses, tenderness; liver, spleen (supine and right lateral decubitus), kidney, aorta
Musculoskeletal (lower) – palpate: inguinal lymph nodes
- Hips
- palpate:
along inguinal ligament, ileopectineal bursa, trochanteric bursa, ischiogluteal bursa, sciatic n.
- test:
flexion/extention, abduction/adduction
inspect: alignment/contour
palpate: patella/supra-/infrapatellar spaces, medial tibial condyle, popliteal surface
- palpate patellar tendon then straighten leg, press patella against femur, push patella distally/tighten knee against table (chondromalacia)
- flex knees: palpate medial/lateral menisci, MCL/LCL, effusions (bulge sign/balloon sign/ballot)
- assess ligaments: MCL (push valgus), LCL (push varus), ACL (drawer/Lachmann), PCL (antidrawer)
palpate: ankle joints/ligaments, achilles, compress MTP/palpate MTP
test: dorsiflex/plantarflex, invert/evert heel/forefoot, flex toes at MTP
Pulses – femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial
Lying or Sitting
Motor – body position, involuntary mvts
- muscle bulk, tone, strength: elbow flexion/extension, wrist extension, grip, finger abduction, thumb opposition, trunk flexion/extension/lateral bending, hip flexion/extension/abduction/adduction, knee flexion/extension, ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion
- coordination – rapid alternating movements, point-to-point movements
Sensory – light touch/pain/temp: compare symmetrical on two sides of body, proximal/distal
- vibration/proprioception: distal then more proximal
- stereognosis/number identification/two-point discrimination/point localization/extinction
Reflexes (use hammer) – biceps (point on thumb), triceps (point), brachioradialis (flat), upper/lower abdominals (end then flat), knee (point), ankle (flat), plantar (end)
Legs, Feet – look for varicose veins
- test:
ROM in neck, flexion/extention/rotation/lateral bending
- inspect, palpate:
spinous process of each vertebra, sacroiliac joint, paravertebral muscles
Gait – walk/turn/come back, heel/toe, toes/heels, hop/one-leg shallow knee bends (or rise from chair/climb on stool)
Pronator Drift – pronator drift, tap down arms
Male Rectal
inspect: sacrococcygeal and perianal areas, sphincter tone
palpate: walls of rectum, prostate gland (size/landmarks/nodules), above prostate
Male Genitalia and Hernia
inspect: development, prepuce, glans, urethral meatus; contours/skin of scrotum
palpate: shaft, testes (lumps/tenderness), epididymis, spermatic cord/adjacent areas; check for hernias
Female Pelvic/Rectal – inspect: pubic hair, external genitalia (labia/clitoris/urethral oriface/introitus)
- palpate:
Bartholins glans, urethra for discharge
- speculum:
cervix (position, color, epithelial surface, discharge/bleeding, ulcers/nodules/masses), cytology
- palpate:
cervix, fornices, uterus/adnexa (bimanual exam), strength of pelvic muscles, rectovaginal examination