Table of Contents
The Psychiatric Interview
Mental Status Examination and Psychological Testing
Diagnostic Systems in Psychiatry
Psychotherapy and Psychodynamic Theory
Psychodynamic Theory
Models of Psychotherapy
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Compliance and the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Development and Child Psychiatry
Child Development
Adolescent Development
Summary of Theories of Child Development
Child Psychiatric Evaluations
Developmental Disorders and Mental Retardation
Child Abuse
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders
Thought Disorders and Schizophrenia
The Psychotic Disorders
Antipsychiatric Drugs
Treatment of Schizophrenia
Mood Disorders
Mood Disorders
Childhood Mood
Psychodynamic Depression
Psychopharmacology of Mood Disorders
Treatment of Mood Disorders
Eating Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Psychodynamics of Anxiety: The Neurotic Process
Anxiety in Children
Postpartum Major Depression
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse and CNS Stimulants
Ethanol Pharmacology
Addictive Behaviors
Alcoholism and The Drug "Alcohol"
CNS Stimulants: Caffeine and Nicotine
Dual Diagnosis (Mental Illness + Substance Abuse)
The Suicidal Patient
Mind/Body Relationships: Psychosomatic Medicine
Somatizing Disorders
Psychosomatic Medicine
Psychological Response to HIV
Psychiatric Disorders due to Medical Conditions
Defense Mechanisms
Personality Disorders
Adult Psychiatry and Sexuality
Adult Development
Geriatric Phase of Life
Psychiatric Disorders in the Elderly
Love, Desire, and Intimacy
Sexual Dysfunction
Impact of Aging on Sexuality and Relationships
Sexual Orientations: Understanding Homosexuality
The Law, Violence, Rape
Psychiatry and the Law
Psychiatric Prediction of Violence
Victim Response to Rape
Summary of Neuropharmacology